升降機廠家提醒,提起升降機最外部電源的功率,解除起動電流大時,則建議使用電纜的質量好,否則額定電流達不到,很容易燒壞電機。Elevator manufacturers remind, most of the external power supply power lift lift, lift the large starting current, is recommended to use the good quality of the cable, otherwise it is not up to the rated current, it is easy to burn out the motor.
1.使用各種電器元件,電壓不穩會燒壞操作箱,導致升降機無法接收控制。The use of a variety of electrical components, voltage instability will lead to burn out the operation box, elevator cannot receive control.
2.升降平臺廠家提醒,頻繁的電壓不穩會直接燒毀電機的動力單元,電機燒壞的結果是非常嚴重的,會導致瞬時壓力的下降。The lifting platform to remind manufacturers, frequent voltage instability will directly burn the power unit of the motor, the motor burned out the result is very serious, it will decrease the instantaneous pressure.
3.如果起重設備未安裝的安全閥或破裂閥的安全設備,將導致落下的起重設備,導致事故發生,同樣更換新的動力單元也需要一定的費用,升降機廠家為用戶在安全性方面考慮,穩定的電壓是利用起重設備是一個非常重要的環節。If the safety equipment safety valve for heavy equipment is not installed or rupture of the valve, will cause the lifting equipment falling, causing the accident, also replaced the new engine also needs certain cost, elevator manufacturers for users to consider in terms of safety, stable voltage is the use of lifting equipment is a very important link.
升降機廠家稱,在使用升降平臺,盡量使用安全和穩定的電壓,如果電壓不穩,使用穩壓器也是一個不錯的建議,希望能對大家有所幫助。Elevator manufacturers, said the use of lifting platform, try to use safe and stable voltage, if the voltage instability, the use of regulators is also a good proposal, we hope to help.